The Power of Millennial Alignment


Millennials get a lot of attention (most of it negative), but in that sea of complaining we have been missing a key point: The Millennial generation is shining a light on a huge shift in the way organizations will be managed in the future, and if you want to retain the top talent from ANY generation, you’d better start adjusting now. In this session, workplace culture expert Jamie Notter will cut through the hype about Millennials and share research from organizations that are getting amazing results and employee engagement by aligning their workplace culture around a new set of principles and practices. He’ll offer concrete tips for creating a culture that will attract talent and drive growth.

Jamie Notter

Jamie is a partner at WorkXO Solutions, a culture management firm that uses culture analytics and innovative consulting to drive company growth. He brings 25 years of experience in conflict resolution, generational differences, and culture change to his work with leaders around the world. Author of two books (When Millennials Take Over, and Humanize), Jamie has a Master’s in conflict resolution from George Mason and a certificate in OD from Georgetown, where he serves as adjunct faculty.